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QA Checks

QA (Quality Assurance) checks is a feature that will automatically detect common errors, inconsistencies, and missmatches in translations for you.

That way you can assure consistency and a high quality of your translations.

You can fine tune QA checks from the settings page (Project -> Settings -> QA Checks tab) and adopt them to your needs.


Leading spaceCheck if leading space in the source(primary translation) is consistent with the translations leading space.
Trailing spaceCheck if trailing space in the source(primary translation) is consistent with the translations trailing space.
Inconsistent placeholdersCheck if the placeholders in the source(primary translation) and translation are inconsistent.
Mismatched bracketsChecks that the same style of brackets is used in the source(primary translation) and translation.
Mismatched colonChecks that the same style of colon is used in the source(primary translation) and translation.
Mismatched semicolonChecks that the same style of semicolon is used in the source(primary translation) and translation.
Mismatched exclamation markChecks that the same style of exclamation mark is used in the source(primary translation) and translation.
Mismatched question markChecks that the same style of question mark is used in the source(primary translation) and translation.
Mismatched fullstopChecks that the same style of fullstop is used in the source(primary translation) and translation.
LengthChecks that the translation is longer than the source(primary translation) by the specified number of percentage.
Disable LanguagesOptionaly disable languages that you don't want to be QA checked