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Over The Air

Publish your translations faster and simpler than ever before. Create release on Translized dashboard and watch as new translations appear in your mobile app.


With the OTA feature, you can speed up your process of publishing new apps, and fix typos or incorrect translations in seconds.

Integrate SDK

Setup guides:

Create release


Release is a snapshot of your current translations so make sure you translate and verify all translations before creating a release.

Go to Over the air tab inside your project (App -> Project -> Over the air).

Click on Create OTA release button and fill the popup form.

  • platform: iOS / android
  • min version: Minimum version of the app for which this OTA release should be valid
  • max version: Maximum version of the app for which this OTA release should be valid

Min and max versions defines app versions that should receive the update. Input min and max versions using semantic version convention.

Save release and all users shall see updated translations once they enter the app.

Check releases

On the left side of Over the air tab inside your project, toogle and select platform (iOS / android).

You will see all releases for that platform, and you can also download the files generated for particular release.