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Machine Translation

You have the option of translating your keys with the help of Machine Translation. Engine options you can choose from:

  • Google Translate
  • Amazon Translate
  • Microsoft Translator
  • DeepL Translator

Machine Characters

When translating a key via Machine Translation, a certain amount of machine characters will be used. Each subscription plan comes with a certain number of machine characters, which can be increased later on by purchasing more through the app.


Machine character count is tied to the Owner of the project, meaning they are the only ones who can purchase more within the app. If you are not the Owner of the project, and are working as a Contributor or Admin, all machine characters you use will be deducted from the Owner’s account.

Buy More Characters

You have the option to purchase more characters through the app, whenever you need them. It’s a single-time purchase, and you will be charged for the exact amount of characters you purchase.

You can find options for buying characters at your billing page inside app (App -> Account -> Billing).

Language Translate

There are two ways to translate your keys via machine translations:

  • Individualy (Single Translation Translate)
  • Bulk translate (Whole Language Translate)


To translate each key individualy you can do that by either going to:

  • Language list page and from there you can click on three dots (More Options), that are on every key item and choose Machine Translation option.
  • Key detail page and from there you can click on three dots (More Options), on desired language you want to translate, and choose Machine Translation option.

Bulk translate

When you want to translate every key on desired language, you can do that by going to Machine Translation tab inside your project.

There you need to select from which language you want to translate and to which language you want to translate.


When translating language like this, on the right hand side of the screen calculation will apear that tells you how many machine characters will be used to perform that action.