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Configuration file

After running translized init command, .translized.yml file will be created. Setup preferences will be stored here and later you can change it directly or by running the command again.

You can add additional download options and setup workflow per your needs:

  • transform placeholders on download so you can share one project for iOS and android
  • replace empty translations with primary language translations or with pseudolocalized strings

Set additional options for upload and download directly in the configuration file:

  • tags: Specify which tags to download or how to tag new or updated keys on upload. Provide as a comma-separated string
  • update_translations: Specify should upload update existing translations.

File example with explanations:

:access_token: 610402a6-5dc3-46aa-bc3b-19a8b29288es
:project_id: zAhfwMRi7f
- :path: './<locale_code>.lproj/Localizable.strings' #Path to the download location, starting from the location of the configuration file. Use placeholder <locale_code> in the path or file-name to dinamically download all languages
:file_format: strings #File format
:tags: tag_1, tag_2 #If you want to download only keys with specific tags provide list of tags separated by comma here.
transform_placeholders_iOS_android: true #iOS/Android only. Placeholder will be converted to platform specific format.
:primary_translations: true #Replaces empty translations with the primary translations (use with care if you want to update_translations on each upload)
- :path: './<locale_code>.lproj/Localizable.strings' #Path to the upload location, starting from the location of the configuration file. Use placeholder <locale_code> in the path or file-name to dinamically upload all languages
:update_translations: true #Indicates whether existing translations should be updated with the file content.
:new_keys: new_1, new_2 #List of tags separated by comma to be associated with the new keys contained in the upload.
:updated_keys: updated_1, updated_2 #List of tags separated by comma to be associated with the updated keys contained in the upload.

If you want to upload only one file you can specify the exact location in the upload:path:. However, you will need to provide language_code. Example bellow.

- :path: './en.lproj/Localizable.strings'
:language_code: en

Multiple file paths

You can specify multiple file paths for download and upload if needed.

Tags and multiple files

You can use tags to group keys into different locations when you want a more customizable solution.

:access_token: 610402a6-5dc3-46aa-bc3b-19a8b29288es
:project_id: zAhfwMRi7f
- :path: "./module_1/<locale_code>.json"
:file_format: json
:tags: module_1
- :path: "./module_2/<locale_code>.json"
:file_format: json
:tags: module_2
- :path: "./module_3/<locale_code>.json"
:file_format: json
:tags: module_3
- :path: "./module_1/<locale_code>.json"
:tags: module_1
- :path: "./module_2/<locale_code>.json"
:tags: module_2
- :path: "./module_3/<locale_code>.json"
:tags: module_3

iOS strings and stringsdict download

For iOS plurals are specified in a separate file with extension .stringsdict and you can specify download and upload with two paths as shown in the example:

:access_token: 610402a6-5dc3-46aa-bc3b-19a8b29288es
:project_id: zAhfwMRi7f
- :path: './<locale_code>.lproj/Localizable.strings'
:file_format: strings
transform_placeholders_iOS_android: true
- :path: './<locale_code>.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict'
:file_format: stringsdict
transform_placeholders_iOS_android: true
- :path: './<locale_code>.lproj/Localizable.strings'
- :path: './<locale_code>.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict'

Android setup

Android base language file path doesn't contain <locale_code> so for uploading all files, a base language file path should be provided. The download is handled automatically.

:access_token: 610402a6-5dc3-46aa-bc3b-19a8b29288es
:project_id: zAhfwMRi7f
- :path: "./values-<locale_code>/strings.xml"
:file_format: xml
transform_placeholders_iOS_android: true
- :path: "./values/strings.xml"
:language_code: en
- :path: "./values-<locale_code>/strings.xml"