You can also see instructions on our GitHub
- Over-the-air (OTA) localization
- NSBundle swizzling for seamless integration
- Switch language dinamically
- Xcode 12+
- iOS 10.0+
Swift Package Manager
To install using Swift Package Manager:
a. Add through File -> Add Packages...
action in Xcode. Use repository URL and the Version: Up to Next Minor starting with 1.2.0 option.
b. Add this line to dependencies
section of your Package.swift
.package(name: "Translized", url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.2.0"))
To install using CocoaPods:
Add this to your Podfile
pod 'Translized', '~> 1.2.0'
Manual (.xcframework)
To install .xcframework manually:
- Download the Zip archive containing the .xcframework, extract it, and add it to your project.
- Add it to your targets (embed and link).
Getting started
Before start make sure you have projectId
and otaToken
, which you can find in Project/Release and Account/API Access, and make a release on Translized Dashboard/Project/Release.
Configuring the SDK
We recommend configuring Translized SDK within the AppDelegate function - func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool
Translized.shared.setup(projectId: "Project ID", otaToken: "Ota token")
Checking for updates
To get new translations you need to call the checkForUpdates:
method. A good place for this is in the applicationDidBecomeActive:
method of your App delegate. It will be called every time application is launched or restored from the background.
func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
Translized.shared.checkForUpdates { (updated, error) in
print("Updated: \(updated)\nError: \(error)")
Updating UI
Translized posts the TranslizedDidUpdateLocalization
notification when the localization files are updated. Subscribe to it in any view controller or model in order to react and update your UI.
selector: #selector(translizedRefresh(_:)),
name: Notification.Name.TranslizedDidUpdateLocalization,
object: nil)
Referring keys
There is no need to update your code with swizzling enabled, refer to the keys as usual:
NSLocalizedString("key", comment: "comment")
NSLocalizedString("key", tableName: "tableName", comment: "comment")
If you have not enabled bundle swizzling, you can refer to the keys using the Translized SDK directly:
Translized.shared.localisedString(key: "key", value: "default value", table: "tableName")
Set language programatically
For use cases when language needs to be changed dinamically in the app, SDK provides method:
Translized.shared.setLanguageLocale(_ locale: Locale)
You can initialize Locale object with language code identifier (e.g. Locale(identifier: "fr")
Language must exist in the list languages in OTA release, else it falbacks to current language.
Swift UI support
SwiftUI is not automatically localized after Translized.shared.swizzleMainBundle()
is called. Translated value should be passed to SwiftUI views to make it work with our SDK.
Text("key") -> Text(NSLocalizedString("key", comment: ""))
String class extension can make it more compact.
Contact us through email: